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2023-09-14 英语词典


美式发音: [ˈɡæb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ɡæb(ə)l]



网络释义:急促而不清楚地说;急促不清地说话;七嘴八舌第三人称单数:gabbles  现在分词:gabbling  过去式:gabbled  同义词





1.[i][t](informal)急促而含混不清地说to talk quickly so that people cannot hear you clearly or understand you

She was nervous and started to gabble.她紧张得话都说不清了。

They were gabbling on about the past.他们谈论着过去,声音显得急促而含混不清。

He was gabbling nonsense.他在叽里咕噜说废话。

‘No, no, not all,’ she gabbled.“不,不,不是所有。”她急促而含糊地说。


1.[sing](尤指许多人同时说话时)急促不清的话fast speech that is difficult to understand, especially when a lot of people are talking at the same time



v.1.to speak or say something very quickly and without making your meaning clear, usually because you are nervous or excited

n.1.the sound of a lot of people talking very quickly at the same time; words that someone says very quickly and without making their meaning clear, usually because they are nervous or excited

1.急促而不清楚地说 bubble (气泡) gabble v. 急促而不清楚地说 garble (曲解), ...

2.急促不清地说话 fusion n. 溶化;熔解;熔化状态,熔和;熔接 gabble v. 急促不清地说话 gadfly n. 虻; …

3.七嘴八舌 六根清静 Unselfishness 七嘴八舌 Gabble 九霄云外 Beyond the highest heav…

4.急促不清的说话 GABA    γ 氨基丁酸 gabble 急促不清的说话 gabby 健谈的 ...

5.叽里咕噜 ... 叽里呱啦〖 speakloudly;giggle〗 叽里咕噜gabble;jabber〗 叽咕〖 talkinalowvoice;mutter;whisper〗 ...

6.说话急促 babble 胡言乱语 gabble 口齿不清,说话急促 dabble 涉足,戏水 ...


1.Well, it's fun to hear her gabble . And it'll be somewhere to hide out till Ma has gone to bed.那么,去听听她的那套胡扯也挺有趣呀。况且那也是个藏身之地,可以让我们等妈妈上床睡了再回家去。

2.If you gabble, you'll end up feeling worse as you know you're being unclear to your audience or to the person you're in a conversation with.如果总是喋喋不休说个不停,那么你的听众或与你交谈的人就会觉得你想表达的意思让人搞不清楚。

3.Pug did not shout or bark. He used a dry sharp tone of command that cut through the restaurant gabble.帕格没有喊叫,也没有咆哮。他只是用冷峻、锋利的命令口吻,压住了餐厅里的一片嘈杂声。

4."Articulate your words, don't gabble. " said the mother.“把话说清楚,不要叽里咕噜的。”母亲说。

5.I never got the tea, and didn't gabble through much of my story to the young man, either.我没喝到茶,当然我也没喋喋不休地把我的故事通盘说给那个年轻人。

6.The two, going into the wing room, cursed the rain. Their gabble sounded like ghosts chanting scriptures.俩人就骂了一阵天雨,进屋到那边厢房了,叽叽咕咕,鬼念经般说话。

7.Don't gabble out your story, man, tell it calmly and clearly.喂,不要上气不接下气的说话,冷静地把情况讲清楚。

8.The expressional form of balderdash is very abhorrent, can be the movement with breathed lip only, or the gabble that is thickness;梦呓的表现形式很不一致,可以仅是嘴唇无声的动作,或是含混不清的叽哩咕噜;
